Jason Farman

Professor of American Studies and Associate Dean of the Graduate School, American Studies
3328 Tawes Hall
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Research Expertise
Digital Cultures
Everyday Life
Material Culture
Media Studies
Performance Studies
Space and Place
Jason Farman is a Professor of American Studies the Associate Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is the former Director of the Design Cultures & Creativity Program and is also a faculty member with the Human-Computer Interaction Lab. He is author of the book Delayed Response: The Art of Waiting from the Ancient to the Instant World, which was awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Grant for the Public Understanding of Science and Technology. He is also the author of Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media, winner of the 2012 Book of the Year Award from the Association of Internet Researchers. He is the editor of the books The Mobile Story (2014) and Foundations of Mobile Media Studies (2016). His work has been featured in The Atlantic, the BBC, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, NPR, National Geographic, 99% Invisible, Atlas Obscura, ELLE Magazine, GQ, Aeon, Vox, and others. He earned his Ph.D. in performance studies from UCLA’s School of Theater, Film, and Television.
Dr. Farman’s website can be reached at: http://www.jasonfarman.com
- Ph.D., UCLA, 2006
- M.A., Claremont Graduate University, 2002
- B.A., Westmont College, 2000
Research Areas
- Digital Media
- Embodiment
- Space and Place
- Everyday Life
- Performance Studies
- History of Technology
Courses Taught:
- Introduction to Digital Studies
- American Culture in the Information Age (“i-series” course)
- Digital Media in Everyday Life
- Space, Place, and Identity in the Digital Age (graduate)
- Perspectives on Digital Cultures and Creativity (honors undergraduate)
- Materiality and Networked Society (graduate)
- Mobile Media Culture (undergraduate, Digital Cultures & Creativity course)
- Embodiment and Space in the Digital Age (graduate)
- Digital Diversity (undergraduate)
Select Publications:
- Delayed Response: The Art of Waiting from the Ancient to the Instant World. Yale University Press, 2018.
- Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media. New York: Routledge Press, 2012. Winner of the 2012 Book of the Year from the Association for Internet Research. 2nd Edition Released in 2020.
- Applied Media Studies: Theory and Practice. Ed. Kirsten Ostherr. Co-authors: Tara McPherson, Anne Balsamo, Lisa Parks, Heidi Rae Cooley, Elizabeth Losh, Lindsay Graham, Daniel Grinberg, Lindsay Palmer, Bo Reimer, and Patrick Vonderau. New York: Routledge Press, 2017.
- Foundations of Mobile Media Studies: Essential Texts on the Formation of a Field. Ed. Jason Farman. New York: Routledge Press, 2016.
- The Mobile Story: Narrative Practices with Locative Technologies. Ed. Jason Farman. New York: Routledge Press, 2014.
- Parisi, David and Jason Farman, “The Time of Touch: Efficiency and Delay in Haptic Communication.” Convergence 25.1 (2019): 40-59.
- “Invisible and Instantaneous: Geographies of Media Infrastructure from Pneumatic Tubes to Fiber Optics.” Media Theory 2.1 (2018): 1-22.
- “Mobile Media Stories and the Process of Designing Contested Landscapes.” Networked Self and Platforms, Stories, Connections. Ed. Zizi Papacharissi. New York: Routledge, 2018, 188-202.
- “Repair and Software: Updates, Obsolescence, and Mobile Culture’s Operating Systems.” Continent, 6.1 (2017): 20-24.
- “Surveillance from the Middle: On Interception, Infrastructure, and the Material Flows of Asynchronous Communication.” Media Fields, 11.1 (2016): http://mediafieldsjournal.squarespace.com/surveillance-from-the-middle/
- “Objects as Audience: Phenomenologies of Vibrant Virtuality in GPS Art.” Leonardo Electronic Almanac 21.1 (2016): 196-209.
- “Stories, Spaces, and Bodies: The Production of Embodied Space Through Mobile Media Storytelling.” Communication Research and Practice 1.2 (2015): 101-116.
- “Infrastructures of Mobile Social Media.” Social Media + Society 1, no. 1 (2015): 1-2.
- “Creative Misuse as Resistance: Surveillance, Mobile Technologies, and Locative Games.” Surveillance & Society 12.3 (2014): 377-388.
- “Historicizing Mobile Media: Locating Transformations in Embodied Space.” The Mobile Media Reader. Ed. Noah Arceneaux and Anandam Kavoori. New York: Peter Lang, 2012.
- “Mapping the Digital Empire: Google Earth and the Process of Postmodern Cartography.” New Media & Society 12.6 (2010).
- “Hypermediating the Game Interface: The Alienation Effect in Violent Videogames and the Problem of Serious Play.” Communication Quarterly 58.1 (2010).