Jo B. Paoletti
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Research Expertise
Material Culture
Jo Paoletti is a Professor Emerita whose training is in apparel design and the history of textile and clothing. She has spent nearly forty years researching and writing about gender differences in America fashion.Her monograph, Pink and Blue: Telling the Boys from the Girls in America, was published in 2012, and in 2015 she published Sex and Unisex: Fashion, Feminism, and the Sexual Revolution. A founding member of The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL), she has also published articles and book chapters on service-learning, undergraduate research, and the use of new technologies in humanities teaching.
Research Areas
- Consumer culture
- Dress/fashion history
- The intersection of age and gender across the life course
- Material culture
- Gender Studies
- Ph.D. Textiles (University of Maryland)
- M.S. Textiles (University of Rhode Island)
- B.S. cum laude in Clothing Design (Syracuse University)
Select Publications
Sex and Unisex: Fashion, Feminism, and the Sexual Revolution (Indiana University Press, 2015)
- Pink and Blue: Telling the Boys from the Girls in America (Indiana University Press, 2012)
- ‚Children and Adolescents in the United States‚, The Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, Volume 3. (Oxford, UK: Berg, 2010)
- ‚Acts of Diversity: Assessing the Impact of Service-Learning‚, The Scholarship of Multicultural Teaching and Learning ed. by Matthew Kaplan (San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 2007) With Eden Segal and Christina Totino.
- ‚Is it a Girl or a Boy? Gender Identity and Children‚s Clothing‚, The Fashion Reader ed. by Linda Welters and Abby Lillethun (Oxford, UK: Berg, 2007) With Colleen R. Callahan.
- ‚E-portfolio Thinking: The Challenge of the Public Research University‚, Handbook of Research on ePortfolios, ed. by Ali Jafar and Catherine Kaufman. (Idea Group: Hershey, PA, 2006)
- ‚Creating and Sustaining Online Learning Communities,‚ Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, ed. by Caroline Howard. (Idea Group: Hershey, PA, 2005)
- ‚The Gendering of Infants‚ and Toddlers‚ Clothing in America.‚ The Material Culture of Gender/The Gender of Material Culture. Ed. Katharine Martinez and Kenneth Ames. (The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, 1997.)
- ‚The Children‚s Department.‚ Men and Women: Dressing the Part. Ed. Claudia Brush Kidwell and Valerie Steele. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989.
- ‚Clothing and Gender in American Children‚s Fashions, 1890-1920.‚ Signs 13 (Autumn 1987): 136-143.