Saverio Giovacchini

Associate Professor, History
Affiliate Associate Research Professor, American Studies
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Research Expertise
Film Studies and Cultural Studies
Global Interaction and Exchange
United States
Saverio Giovacchini is Associate Professor of History at the University of Maryland where he has served twice as the director of the Nathan and Jeanette Miller Center for Historical Studies (2010 -2013 and 2021-2022). He is the author of Hollywood Modernism (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001) and Celluloid Atlantic: Hollywood, Cinecittà and the Cinema of the West, 1943-1973 (Albany, NY: Suny Press: forthcoming 2024). With Robert Sklar, he has edited Global Neorealism: The Transnational History of a Film Style (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2012). His new book project centers on the transnational career of film director Oscar “Budd” Boetticher (1916-2001)