Janelle Wong Honored by American Academy of Political and Social Science
The UMD professor is one of eight scholars inducted into the prestigious academy this year.
Find the latest news and information from around the department, including student experiences, faculty research and awards, and alumni updates.
Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media wins international award for excellence in internet research.
Department of American Studies professor Jason Farman wins the Association of Internet Researchers Book Award.
American Studies professor Psyche Williams-Forson awarded Smithsonian American History Museum Senior Scholar Fellowship.
American Studies professor Sheri Parks on "Modern Family."
UMD American studies graduate student wins a grant to travel to a historian's conference for his dissertation on the Civil Rights Movement.By the Organization of American Historians
Ana Patricia Rodriguez wins Outstanding University Faculty Member award from the Office of Multi-ethnic Student Education.
TerraByte coverage of the UMD Trayvon Martin Roundtable.By Kelsey Hughes, The TerraByte
UMD American Studies professor Parks comments on Venus Green, a 87 year-old African-American women reportedly abused by police.
Gazette coverage of UMD's "Trayvon, Tragedy, and Traumas of the Everyday: A Community Conversation."
University of Maryland community is invited to discuss Trayvon Martin's killing and its aftermath.WHAT:Trayvon, Tragedy, and Traumas of the Everyday: A Community Conversation